“The Fabulous Egg”
The Fabulous Egg’s original pitch, proposed work based on the interpretation of the Ukrainian, Fabergè and Easter egg. Instead, this launching idea grew a delivery vehicle for serious creative voice and self-expression. Significant work, running the gamut and exceeding all expectation beyond mere egg decoration, was contributed for exhibition. Present are works that reflect whimsy, pain, social commentary, sculpture, painting, serious play, poetry, macabre humor, craft, and beauty.
32 GAGA artists: Lyn Belisle, Lisa Mara Bell, Sylvia Benitez, Alexis Bierman, Elaine Bornemeier, Roberta Buckles, Ilna Colemere, Chel Delaney, Robin Gara, Hebé García, Nancy Gerfers, Anna Gordy, Joy Fisher Hein, Rebecca Horan, Mary James, Gladys Jacobson, Virginia Lukefahr, M. Guadalupe Marmolejo, Diane Masuda, Loretta Medellin, Thelma Muraida, Diane Masuda, Terry Gay Puckett, Caroline Royall, Bibi Saidi, Pam Slocum, Stefani Job Spears, Sylvia St Jean, Paula Sussman, Alicia Tapp, Stefanie Trede, Lynn Young.
Kelso Art Center/ Semmes Gallery, University of the Incarnate Word
4301 Broadway, CPO #94 San Antonio TX 78209 (210) 829 3862
Dates: March 1- March 28, 2024 Reception March 1, 6-8 pm
Gallery Hours: 10am - 5pm Monday through Friday
Free parking with vehicle registration
UIW car registration: Visitors you may register your vehicle for a guest parking permit at no cost via the T2 Cardinal Cars website. You must create a Guest Login to register your vehicle.
Please have the following required items before you begin the process:
Valid email address (you will be required to verify your account using this email)
Vehicle license plate number and State
Vehicle Make, Model, Color, Style
You will receive a confirmation email with a receipt listing valid vehicle and parking date(s). For questions, please contact the UIW Parking Office at (210) 283-5066. UIW Visitor Parking and Information kiosk is located in front of the Administration Building (located at the Burr Road entrance).